Do Not Lose Your Vision

Jul 8, 2020

‘Like the blind we grope...feeling our way like men without eyes...’Isaiah 59:10 NIV

The Pilgrims landed on the shores of America full of vision. The first year they established a town. The next year they elected a council. In their third year the town council proposed building a road 8 km out into the wilderness for westward expansion. But the people criticised it as a waste of public funds. Amazing! Once they had been able to see across oceans to new worlds, now they could not see 8 km down the road. What happened? They lost their vision! How can you keep that from happening to you?

First, refuse to become self-centred! God wants you to enjoy success, but anytime ‘money becomes more important than serving others, you will lose God’s blessing. Second, do not get lost in the everyday jobs! One successful leader writes, ‘In preparation for the day, I focus on the main event and ask, “In order to make the main event a good event, what must I know? Do? Eliminate?” Some things will be fun, some will not, but with preparation the most important things will get done well.’

Third, refuse to go with the flow! Most of us resist change. We want what is, not what can be. We prefer safety and simple answers. To keep your vision alive you must give yourself permission to go a different way; to break new ground. The moment your eyes open each morning remind yourself, ‘There is more out there than what I’ve experienced’, then commit your day to God and get moving! ‘Like the blind we grope... feeling our way like men without eyes...’ (Isaiah 59:10 NIV)

SoulFood: Jer 33:1–36:26, Luke 6:1–16, Ps 137, Pro 15:15–17
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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